Thursday, November 25, 2010

Here is a panorama of Los Angeles Airport at night which I turned in for
my 'panorama project'. I hoped to convey some of the activity there at night.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

project in progress

I chose Dali as my surreal artist because I love the way he creates an illusion of interrupted space and time.
His knack of making it all look so easy is totally awesome.
I know because it is anything but easy!!

I had a couple of false starts, but got into this one, and I think
it's going in the right direction.

Here is my work in progress to date.

My artist choice for my final is Salvador Dali whose work has fascinated me for a very long time.

Here is a link to his museum in St. Petersburg, Florida:

and a couple more to an overview of some of his work:

Monday, November 1, 2010

'color trees' before

this lovely fall scene becomes stunning with a few adjustments. first i added selective color, then spent a little time in curves.

'color trees' after

'trees' before

the above photo was my choice to convert to black and white. a little bit more difficult than it sounds. i first used the brightness/contrast 1 adjustment followed by black and white 1, black and white 2, black and white 3, exposure 1, a visit to levels, and finally black and white 4 created 'trees' below.

'trees' after

'clouds' before

the above picture is the 'before' of 'clouds 1' below. first i cropped the photo to move the sun over to the upper left corner, and to select certain cloud formations. i adjusted the curves layer to get the effect i wanted below.

'clouds 1' after

i added this second 'after' because i like the effect so much.

for 'clouds 2' below, on top of the original 'clouds 1' i started with an inner glow effect, inverted 2, vibrance 1, inverted 1, gradient map 2, gradient map 1, and curves 1. this all created a surreal effect, and interesting spacial relationships.

'clouds 2' after

'branches' before

The above picture is the 'before' of 'branches' below. i added a curves adjustment, brightness/contrast adjustment, tweaked the levels, applied a gradient map, inverted, and finished up with brightness/contrast2.

'branches' after